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  • The importance of enterprise network security and why it is necessary to build a secure enterprise network

    In today's technology driven business environment, a reliable and efficient enterprise network is crucial for the success of small and medium-sized enterprises. With the increasing demand for data intensive applications and the rapid development of network technology, enterprises must build faster and more secure networks to ensure the safe and stable operation of their businesses. This article focuses on the increasingly severe challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprise networks, as well as how to build faster and more secure enterprise networks with the help of Guangrun Tong (GRT) enterprise network solutions. In the process of managing the network of small and medium-sized enterprises, enterprises will face increasing challenges, as follows:
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  • Seten: What are the six factors that affect the transmission distance of optical modules

    With the continuous maturity of communication industry technology, the distance of fiber optic network transmission is also gradually extended. Do you know what factors affect the transmission distance of optical modules?
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  • Seten shares a server maintenance tutorial on what daily tasks need to be done well

    The server is capable of performing various network operations, including system databases, middleware, and hardware in application systems. It can handle over 80% of the content in computer hard drives and is the backbone of the entire information system. Haoqun Computer believes that server maintenance is highly necessary. Below is a server maintenance tutorial for your reference.
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  • Seten: Introduction to the types of servers used in daily life, and where they are mainly used

    The server is mainly used for databases and web services, with reliable continuous operation capabilities, powerful storage and network communication capabilities, fast fault recovery functions, and vast expansion space.
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  • Seten shares about computer power supply failures and the reasons for computer power supply damage

    If the computer always restarts for no reason, you can rule out the cause of the virus and check if there is a problem with the power supply. So how to check the health status of computer power supplies? If the cause of the virus is ruled out, you should focus on whether it is caused by poor heat dissipation of the CPU, graphics card, etc. CPU overheating protection will also automatically restart. It is easy to check the power supply. First, disconnect the host power supply, unplug the power plug connected to the motherboard, and use a thin wire to plug one end into the green wire hole and the other end into any black wire hole. Then connect the power supply. If the fan rotates and there are no other abnormalities, it indicates that the power supply is basically fine.
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  • Seten: How to find the cause and solution of switch failure

    Switch is one of the most widely used network devices, and it is inevitable that faults will occur during long-term operation. When faults occur, it is necessary to quickly handle and eliminate them by understanding the type of switch fault and having the ability to analyze and handle faults. Below, the editor has summarized several common faults and solutions of switches for everyone.
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  • Do you know how to handle common computer network failures in enterprises

    During the use of switches, it is inevitable to encounter some problems, among which there are many common faults in the switching unit network. After the faults occur, they should be dealt with quickly, the cause should be identified as soon as possible, and solving the problem is the more important thing. Today, the editor has brought you some common typical fault cases and solutions, hoping to help you.
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  • What is the Ping command and how to master the method of learning how to use the Ping command

    Enterprise IT technology often encounters network failures in enterprise network maintenance, which usually require the use of network commands for testing and resolution. If you master the following network commands, it can often help technical experts achieve twice the result with half the effort. Please follow our editor to learn and understand!
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  • Seten shares about the differences between computer CPUs and server CPUs

    With the arrival of the era of big data and cloud computing, servers are carrying more heavy network work. A server is a high-performance computer, and its hardware composition is indistinguishable from that of a PC. Both have CPUs, memory, and hard drives, but the difference is that the server uses more technology and capacity on these hardware to meet its application needs.
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  • Seten shares common switch interfaces

    A switch is a widely used network device, and it is an essential device for a local area network with multiple network devices. The interfaces of the switch are very rich. The editor has compiled some materials to share with everyone
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  • Seten Interprets Server Memory RAM Parameters

    There is no significant difference in appearance and structure between server memory and regular PC memory, but server memory supports more functions and features than regular PC memory, such as ECC, ChipKill, hot swapping technology, etc., and has extremely high stability and error correction performance.
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  • What is port mapping and port forwarding, and what are their differences

    Port mapping: Port mapping refers to mapping a port of a host in the internal network to a port of an external host, providing corresponding services. When the user accesses this port of the external IP, the server automatically maps the request to the corresponding machine inside the local area network.
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  • Upgrading network cards is imperative, and 10GbE helps enterprises improve their network experience

    With the continuous progress of technology and the increasing demand for network speed, the performance and quality of network cards have become key to improving the network experience. In today's communication field, 10 Gigabit network cards are gradually becoming the preferred choice for upgrading computer network cards, providing users with unparalleled high-speed network experience.
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  • Why Network Congestion Occurs in Data Centers and How to Reduce Network Congestion in Data Centers

    With the explosive growth of data traffic, the construction standards for data centers are also constantly improving. As a facility for processing large amounts of data information, network connectivity has always been a concern. When the network transmission exceeds its processing capacity, it can cause network congestion and slow data transmission
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  • Seten on the Future Trends of Network Speed

    With the development of technology, people's demand for the Internet is increasing, and the pursuit of faster network speed has become a trend in contemporary society. In this digital era, how to meet people's demand for network speed has also become a challenge for major enterprises and technology companies.
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  • Explain the value of smart network cards in the internet from five aspects

    What is SmartNIC and what can it do? SmartNIC based on DPU not only implements the connection function of the network card, but also implements the network traffic processing typically performed by the CPU. SmartNIC can perform encryption/decryption, firewall, TCP/IP, and HTTP processing. This article explains from five aspects why the usage of SmartNIC has been increasing in recent years.
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  • What is a core switch and what are the differences from a regular switch

    Core switches are switches placed in the core layer, and generally large enterprise networks require the use of core switches to achieve strong network scalability and protect existing investments. A core switch is designed for network architecture. If it is a small local area network with several computers, an 8-port small switch can be called a core switch; In the network industry, core switches refer to layer 2 or layer 3 switches with network management functions and strong throughput. A core switch is essential for a network with over 100 computers to operate stably and at high speed.
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  • Seten: Introduction to Common Server Configuration Parameters

    Enterprises often face a bunch of server configuration parameters at a loss when purchasing servers. How can users choose the appropriate server based on the data provided by the manufacturer? Below is a list of common configuration data for everyone:
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  • popularization of science How much do you know about the most comprehensive switch terminology?

    With the development of the network and communication industry, the switch market is steadily on the rise. It has the characteristics of high performance to price ratio, high flexibility, relative simplicity, and easy implementation. Ethernet technology has become the most important LAN networking technology today, with switches applied in various industries. So how much do you know about the terminology related to switches?
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  • What are the four functions of a hardware firewall

    The existence of hackers poses a threat to the invisibility of netizens and the security of the internet. Enterprises are increasingly paying attention to network security issues and using various antivirus software to prevent hacker attacks. Hardware firewalls are the first line of defense in network security. Let's take a look at the functions of hardware firewalls!
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