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  • Seten on the Future Trends of Network Speed

    With the development of technology, people's demand for the Internet is increasing, and the pursuit of faster network speed has become a trend in contemporary society. In this digital era, how to meet people's demand for network speed has also become a challenge for major enterprises and technology companies.
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  • Explain the value of smart network cards in the internet from five aspects

    What is SmartNIC and what can it do? SmartNIC based on DPU not only implements the connection function of the network card, but also implements the network traffic processing typically performed by the CPU. SmartNIC can perform encryption/decryption, firewall, TCP/IP, and HTTP processing. This article explains from five aspects why the usage of SmartNIC has been increasing in recent years.
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  • What is a core switch and what are the differences from a regular switch

    Core switches are switches placed in the core layer, and generally large enterprise networks require the use of core switches to achieve strong network scalability and protect existing investments. A core switch is designed for network architecture. If it is a small local area network with several computers, an 8-port small switch can be called a core switch; In the network industry, core switches refer to layer 2 or layer 3 switches with network management functions and strong throughput. A core switch is essential for a network with over 100 computers to operate stably and at high speed.
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  • Seten: Introduction to Common Server Configuration Parameters

    Enterprises often face a bunch of server configuration parameters at a loss when purchasing servers. How can users choose the appropriate server based on the data provided by the manufacturer? Below is a list of common configuration data for everyone:
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  • popularization of science How much do you know about the most comprehensive switch terminology?

    With the development of the network and communication industry, the switch market is steadily on the rise. It has the characteristics of high performance to price ratio, high flexibility, relative simplicity, and easy implementation. Ethernet technology has become the most important LAN networking technology today, with switches applied in various industries. So how much do you know about the terminology related to switches?
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  • What are the four functions of a hardware firewall

    The existence of hackers poses a threat to the invisibility of netizens and the security of the internet. Enterprises are increasingly paying attention to network security issues and using various antivirus software to prevent hacker attacks. Hardware firewalls are the first line of defense in network security. Let's take a look at the functions of hardware firewalls!
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  • What is network packet loss and how can it be handled and resolved

    In the process of managing and maintaining the network, data packet loss is often encountered. Usually, using the ping command for connectivity testing, it is found that the ping packet delay far exceeds the normal value, and even cannot be reached. At the same time, there are also obstacles to network service application, such as slow website opening speed, even inability to open web pages in severe cases, and incoherent voice during online browsing.
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  • Popular Science Knowledge: Do M.2 solid-state drives need to be equipped with heat sinks?

    Generally speaking, as long as the temperature of your solid-state drive is controlled within 70 degrees, as long as the temperature does not exceed the critical value of overheating protection, there will be basically no problems in use, and there is no need to install a heat dissipation vest. Especially, there are relatively few cases where daily use can trigger the critical value of overheating protection.
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  • M. What is the impact of high temperature on solid-state drives? Will it affect speed?

    With M.2 NVMe solid-state drives becoming increasingly affordable and gradually replacing SATA solid-state drives, installation has now become almost standard. As is well known, the biggest advantage of M.2 NVMe solid-state drives is undoubtedly their strong performance and smaller size, but it is precisely this advantage that also leads to the problem of heat accumulation. Do M.2 solid-state drives require heat dissipation fins? M. Is the cooling effect of installing a cooling vest on 2 SSDs significant?
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  • DDR5 Memory Introduction and Performance Analysis

    DDR5 is a computer memory specification. Compared to DDR4 memory, DDR5 standard has stronger performance and lower power consumption. Other changes include a decrease in voltage from 1.2V to 1.1V, with 32/40 bits per channel (ECC), improved bus efficiency, and an increase in the number of pre fetched Bank Groups to improve performance.
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  • M. 2. Introduction to Interface Knowledge and What is the Interface Protocol

    In the storage industry, storage devices involve various interface issues, and different interfaces cater to the products required by different environments. For example, at this moment, we need to communicate with everyone about a storage interface called M.2.
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  • Talk about the working principle of solid-state drives and how they work

    The drawbacks of mechanical hard drives happen to be the advantages of solid-state drives. A solid-state drive is actually a circuit board, so manufacturers can create it into any shape. Taking the M.2 interface as an example, it can be divided into these specifications. Solid state drives have no mechanical structure, no noise, are not afraid of vibration, and are highly portable
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  • Introduction to the Development History of Hard Drives

    Hard drives, also known as storage devices. It is an indispensable thing for digital products in today's era. Mobile phones, computers, cameras, servers, and anything that needs to store data cannot do without the existence of hard drives. Hard drives can be divided into two types: mechanical hard drives and solid-state hard drives. For a long time in the past
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  • What are the advantages of SSD solid-state drives

    Firstly, SSDs do not require mechanical structures, are fully semiconductor, and do not have data search time, delay time, or disk seek time. They have fast data access speed and the ability to read data is above 400M/s, with the highest currently reaching over 500M/s.
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  • What are the main advantages of enterprise level hard drives reflected in

    Data storage is divided into enterprise level hard drives and ordinary level hard drives based on the storage content. Enterprise level hard drives are mainly produced for enterprises to meet their needs, while ordinary hard drives are mainly to meet the needs of individual users. Enterprise level hard drives and ordinary hard drives have many differences due to different purposes. Today, we will introduce the advantages of enterprise level hard drives.
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  • What is hard disk storage and an introduction to hard disk partitioning methods

    Disk storage is a computer science term that refers to a storage method using a hard disk as the storage medium. A hard disk is a data storage device that uses magnetic media, and data is stored on several disks sealed in a clean hard disk drive cavity. These discs are generally formed by coating magnetic media on the surface of the substrate
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  • Introduction and Advantages and Disadvantages Analysis of Solid State Hard Disk and Mechanical Hard Disk

    Solid State Disk or Solid State Drive (SSD), commonly known as a solid-state drive.
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  • Samsung Announces Production of 3-Nano GAA Architecture Process Technology Chips

    Optimized 3 nanometer (nm) process, with a 23% improvement in performance and a 45% reduction in power consumptionCompared to 5 nanometers (nm), the chip area is reduced by 16% and As one of the advanced semiconductor technology manufacturers, Samsung Electronics announced today that chips based on the 3-nanometer (nm) Gate All SurroundT (GAA) process node have begun preliminary production< Br/>Samsung Electronics Achieves GAA for the First Time; Multi bridge channel field-effect transistor; The application of MBCFET™ Multi Bridge Channel FET breaks the performance limitations of FinFET technology by reduci...
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  • SSD Launches 61TB SSD, Challenging HDD Dominance!!!

    Solidigm recently released an SSD with a capacity of up to 61 TB, aiming to challenge the HDD-centric storage market. The capacity is even higher, reaching 7.68, 15.36, 30.72, and 61.44 TB. Solidigm positions its basic durability driver as a QLC replacement for TLC drives, designed to address scenarios of reduced 4K random write performance. Value endurance aims to capture the use case market centered around reading.
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  • How does Samsung storage technology help transform artificial intelligence?

    Samsung Semiconductor's innovation in storage technology is helping artificial intelligence (AI) become more powerful and efficient than ever before. This article will introduce some of Samsung's innovations for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications, including PIM technology, memory semantic SSD, SmartSSD, and CXL technology, as well as how to contribute to the transformation of artificial intelligence.
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